Saturday 12 September 2015

I'm stressed.

Okay, everyone gets stressed, for what will vary from person to person but currently, as I am in school and it's nearing the end of term, everything is becoming due around the same time and UGH *pulling hair out* On top of all my homework, I also have my girlfriend's one year anniversary gift to finish off and I'm so desperate to finish it off that it has actually become my break time activity so in reality, I'm getting no breaks. Not a good idea, I know but I neeeeeeeeeed to get in done, along with all my assignments... I've even resorted to taking bits and pieces of Doll's present to school to do in class if I've finished the work and I've had a few friends help me as well which will hopefully speed everything up... I'd tell you what her present is but I know she reads this occasionally (Hi princess xx) so I'd like to keep what she doesn't know still a secret... who knows, maybe I'll make a post about our 1 year anniversary and share pictures of what I made her and what she made me, that could be cool... I'll think about it but for now, I best be getting back to her present as I'm meant to be on break but felt like I needed to rant XD


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